Welcome to Jeannie and Jamie's Belgian beer blog

This is a fun blog. We set it up to share with friends and family back home in Australia and around the world, our personal experiences with the astonishing array of beer that we've been encountering since we moved to Belgium (but everyone is welcome to join in of course.)
We've tried to keep it simple by breaking the beers down into as few categories as possible, but no doubt this will change as we learn from our mistakes. The categories are on the right there. Just click on those links to go to whatever section looks most interesting to you. We haven't yet worked out how and if we'll sub-categorise. That decision will no doubt be forced on us sometime soon as the blog grows.
Note that these categories are loosely based on Tim Webb's excellent book, which I would strongly recommend to anyone planning a beer tasting trip to Belgium.
Before going any further though, it is important to realise that this is NOT intended to be another one of the dozens of sites out there dedicated to beer wankery. We are trying to make this about our personal experiences with each beer, so all opinions expressed are entirely our own (except when from guest reviewers, or are otherwise attributed). This blog is absolutely guaranteed to be entirely informal and unscientific. That means that we don't really want to hear from earnest, patriotic beer lovers who disagree of our comments about their precious beers (unless you are willing to be made fun of.) Nor do we want to hear from any brewers (unless they would like to pay us exhorbitant sums of money to change the blog. Go on InBev - why don't you try see how strong our scruples and opinions really are? :-)
Likewise, if you've got a PhD in Beer Tosserology, then, unless you've also got a sense of humour, and are willing to laugh kindly with us as we stumble (occasionally literally) through the Belgian beer landscape, you should probably just leave now and save yourself some frustration and heartburn.
We are very interested, however, in feedback and ideas on how we can make the site easier to follow. With so many beers, it is quickly going to become unwieldy for you readers as well as for us to maintain.
Thanks to Shane for some excellent suggestions on improving the layout already. I'm much happier with the way this is starting to look and feel.
Finally, if you want to know a little more about us, or the background to this blog, feel free to browse away at the links to the top-right.
We hope you share the joy we're finding in the Belgian beers, and that reading about our experiences might inspire a visit to this fascinating and wonderful country, to try some of the many hundreds of amazing beers on offer.
Cheers! Santé! Proost!
Jamie and Jeannie
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Looking good! I've been checking in on your "Favourites" and am intrigued by the names of some of these beers. I'll have to make a list and take it with me the next time I venture into the city...
Great blog! I used to live in Belgium and was also smitten by the brew. Did my Ph.D. in Leuven. Have you been there yet? Beautiful Flemish university town with nearly 90 pubs and home of Stella Artois (but do not hold that against it!). If not, you won't regret visiting sometime. Check out Cafe Amadee in the Muntstraat. Lucas, the crazy old Commi proprietor, plays only German classical music and serves up Westmalle Dubbel ON TAP--one of the few places, I understand, where it can be found "van 't vat" in Belgium.
I've written you up in my blog (http://drlake.blogspot.com), but don't worry, the server won't crash with visitors linking from me! ; ) I'll check back ever once in a while and compare notes.
Steve Lake
Thanks for coming back Swampy :-)
Yes, I'm a bit happier with the shape of it now, and I've caught up on the worst of the mundane uploading and formatting. It should start to become more fun now as I go through my old notes and wrack my addled brain to put some more detail in over the next week or so. I'll be putting up a few more favourites too I think. Of course, if you let me know what kinds of beer you like, maybe I can make a more specific recommendation.
Cheers anyway, and thanks for the good vibes :-)
Hi Steve. Thanks for stopping by and for the kind words. Thanks also for link mate! Wow, we've been linked! How exciting :-)
We have been to Leuven already, but only once, and unfortunately I was driving (or being "Bob" as they call it here ;-) so have not really begun to explore the pubs there. It looks like a brilliant town though, so definitely intend to head there on a more serious beer tasting mission soon.
Will certainly check out Cafe Amadee for a tap Westmalle Double or three, and have a chat with Lucas - Sounds like fun.
Looking forward to comparing notes (once I have all mine in order, of course)
Nice frothy outcropping building up on the olde chin there Jamie since you disappeared into a barrel of beer in Belgium :)
Darach, Bene & Oisin.
From: Chris (blog@christann.com)
Ahhh, pity you can't sample the heights that the Brewery at 377 have reached. The lattest brew is called "Fat Bitch", and is an attempt to recreate the charm and taste of "Fat Tire Ale", an American "inspired by" Belgium traditions. It was also my first go at brewing a 10 gallon batch - 5 gallons just wasn't cutting it!
At first taste, it was a little sweet - not surprising considering an OG of 1078! It mellowed in the keg now, and has devloped into a super-drinkable drop. I subjected my Room mate to a taste teste, and although he did manage to pick the Fat Tire from the Fat Bitch - we both concluded that we actually like Fat Bitch better! :-)
Have you tried Flemish Primitive Wild Ale, brewed and bottled by De Proef Brouwerij of Lochristi, Belgium? We received a bottle for Christmas.
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