Bio, Organic Beers

This will become an "honourable mention" section to summarise all the beers that fit with our attempts to lower our environmental footprint and live a more sustainable lifestyle. Thankfully, there is a broad array of organic (or Bio as they are called here) beers and wines here in Belgium.

Note that by listing them here, we're not giving them any favouritism other than their slightly lower environmental footprint deserves. If you want to see what we *really* thought of them, see the category that they belong to (and rest assured, if they are any good at all, they will also be on our favourites page.)

Saison DuPont Biologique
Bio Ben
Moinette Biologique
Saxo BIO
Biere de Miel
Blanche Du Hainaut Biologique
Watch this space - plenty more coming once the uploads of pics have finished.

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