Why are we doing this?
Hi there! Thanks for taking the time to check out a little more about why we're doing this :-)
This is a project that's been promised to our friends back home and in various places around the world for a quite some time... Let me check up on some facts and see if we can't estimate just how long...
Ok then, it seems that we started blogging sometime in March 05 (let's call it Mar 15) after we got back from getting married/honeymooning in Australia - Don't believe the date on our first post - we changed it *gasp* - seriously, we did! *Please* don't believe everything you read on the Internet, it is possible that some other people might have manipulated the facts too (although I can't imagine why they'd bother...)

From memory, though, we were planning and talking about blogging for quite some time before we actually did it, so it is likely that we first started promising to do this sometime after we were seriously talking about blogging, but only after we were also seriously talking about Belgium. We accept that we weren't really sure what we were doing with our lives or where we wanted to end up living for a while there, but it it seems unlikely that we would have been seriously talking about Belgium before we at least came here. Hmm, well my passport says that I first went to Belgium on Feb 16, 2005
So, let's pick a date between those two then, and agree that we've been promising to do this since Feb 25, 2005. So, what's that then, well, today is October 23nd, 2005, so umm... Now, who else thinks that Google is a cool tool for situations like this? 241 days (inclusive of today, since it is getting quite late, and I don't seem to have done anything yet :-)
Although it is "Jeannie and Jamie's", Belgian beer blog, the blame for it coming into existence at least 223 days after Jeannie and Jamie's non-Belgian-beer blog is entirely mine. I would like to suggest that it might be partly Shane's fault too, but you all know that "No Blame Shane" wouldn't possibly have been involved in any of the content that is to follow.

So, anyway, I'm sure I could come up with a million and one reasonable reasons for this delay (well, of course they're reasonable Jamie, otherwise they'd be unreasons you oxymoron!) but I'll stick with these three (3, drie, trois): New country/new job/new marriage/new languages - ok, that's four (4, vier, quatre) - well, since here in Belgium we're talking about two new languages, that would probably be five (5, vijf, cinq). In response to all the smarty-pantses out there who know that German is also an official language here in Belgium, I'd like to say that where we are here in La Hulpe [1] we really only have to worry about French (primarily) and Dutch second [2]
So, the entire reason I started this blog was to force myself to begin uploading the pictures of Belgian beers we've been tasting since we first came to Belgium some 251 days ago, and share the joys of Belgian beer with our friends. I hope that once we've got this blog in place at last, it won't be too daunting a task to actually stay on top of it from month to month. The biggest risk, of course, is that we will turn into beer snobs, and it is only through your intervention that this slippery slide will be avoided. Please intervene in our blog regularly with your comments, and far more importantly, please intervene regularly and personally with your visits, to double-check our findings, and to keep us honest.
So, without further ado, I'll actually get onto the job that I'd planned to do tonight, and start uploading pics :-)
Cheers, Santé, Proost!

[1] Living near the border of Vlaams-Brabant and Brabant-Wallon in one of the most complicated communes in one of the most complicated provinces in one of the most complicated countries in one of the most complicated unions in the modern Western world, one begins to regain a feeling for what politics and politicians are actually for - and to remember that diversity isn't so bad... back
[2] In fact, the only time that I've had to speak German was when we nearly went to Köln when Shane came to visit, and in that instance meine fünf Jahre der High School Deutschsprache was adequate to keep me fed (albeit with some rather typically meaty German vegetables) and drunk :-) back
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I figured you needed a little non-spam...
Good luck with your Belgian beer research. I'm a porter, pale ale, and stout kinda person myself. Most of the Belgian beers I have tried have been a little on the bubbly side for me. I'll be checking back from time to time to see what you've been drinking -- provided, of course, that you get around to posting ;)
Thanks for the kind words of encouragement :-) They worked, and encouraged me to get another (beautiful organic blonde) beer, and do a little more work.
Just scanned your blogs... Impressive! Wow! Love your work. Will go back for a more serious look when I've dug myself out of my current beer backblog.
BTW, please don't give up on Belgian beer based on past bubbly experiences. I'm quickly learning that there are no rules here, so if you can't find the perfect Belgian beer for you in the 800-ish very different beers here, then you probably just weren't meant to enjoy beer. (and that's not a crime either :-)
Thanks again.
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