Noteworthy Belgian pubs
Here we'll keep putting our thoughts about particularly good or bad pubs we encounter
No doubt we'll explore more pubs after the smoking ban kicks in here on Jan 1st but we already have a few recommendations, and some places to avoid. Yes, I agree that Jan 1st, being the middle of winter, seems a strange time to be forcing all the smokers outside, but from our perspective as non-smokers, it couldn't come soon enough. (Perhaps the Belgian authorities picked mid-Winter because they actually want to discourage smokers, unlike the Irish ban which came in mid-summer 2004, and created a whole new class of social smokers who wanted to hang out with the cool crowd in the sun outside)
Delirium Cafe
Delirium is a great pub to take tourists to! It is also, IMHO, just generally a great pub.

Here's a quick list of things that I think add up to Delirium being a great pub:
- It has 2500 (yes! two thousand, five hundred) beers on the menu (and guarantees at least 2004 in stock at any one time)

- You always get your beer in the right glass (somehow?)

- The barman has a really laid back attitude (not the bitter and twisted Irish guy, the two Belgian dudes from Arlon)
- It is in a great location downtown near all the touristy stuff
- It is hardly ever really crowded (somehow?)

- They have decided that Tasmania is not a part of Australia! (Something that I'm sure Jase in particular will just love)

Delirium is all these things, but for my money, the real icing on the cake for Delirium is that it is right next to Jeanneke Pis - Girl Power's answer to the Mannekin Pis, and an absolute necessity on any tourist trail when you come to visit, so you too can get your own photo of Jeannie squatting with her eponymous friend.

More coming once the pics are uploaded
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